(got this idea from a friend's post..thanks Shanna). :)

♥I was blessed with the most peaceful, understanding daughter ever. I know
parents are biased, but she is seriously the Best.Daughter.Ever.
♥I am fiercely protective of my daughter. I would give the world for her
happiness, and I am not a happy camper when someone treats her poorly.
♥I love to read..although I don't do it as much as I would like lately. As a child, I would hide under a blanket with a flashlight - just so I could finish the book (this was after my parents had told me 'get to bed!')
♥I feel emotions strongly through songs. They can change my mood in an instant. A day does not go by where I don't listen to at least one song.
♥I have never felt 'normal' I have always felt emotions really strong,
♥I secretly yearn to write a book. I have literally sketched out ideas, but never put it together.
♥I am an extreme procrastinator. I seem to choose the easiest tasks first, and then leave the larger ones for last. This provides extra stress to me, which is why I am currently working on not doing this.
♥I have social anxiety really bad. Due to my anxiety, I am afraid of crowds or being stuck 'in the middle.' You will never find me in the 'middle' of anything..church rows, concerts, etc. I literally freak out in traffic jams, and will take a back road at times just to avoid rush hour. Most of my anxiety started after a bad car wreck in my teens.
♥I am horrible at calling anyone back. This has probably led people to think that I don't care or I am rude. But I do..I think about my friends all the time.
♥I used to be obsessed about being on the phone. I think I spent most of my teenage years on the phone with my friends. This was before cell phones, so I either had the cordless phone all over the house, or had the long chord wrapped around my fingers yapping away.
♥I believe this is why I no longer like the phone. I spent SO much on the phone as a teenager to my friends and boys, that I got it out of my system. I absolutely hate to talk on the phone and will find any reason to get out of it.
♥I still have a fondness for childhood items such as Strawberry Shortcake, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Holly Hobby, Care Bear, Smurfs..I could go on and on. :)
♥I grew up with an obsessed sports family (well, except mom), and although I don't watch sports on a regular basis, I will always enjoy a good football or basketball game.
♥I am a closet reality show lover..not the trashy ones on VH1 (wait..Celebrity Fit Club), but stuff like '16 and Pregnant,' 'True Life,' 'The Bachelor,' 'Survivor,' 'Amazing Race,' 'Big Brother,' etc. Yeah, I can't help it..they make me feel more normal.
♥I feel guilty for WAY longer than necessary. To this day, there are memories of things I have a hard time letting go..such as if I hurt a person, or if I did something wrong.
♥I believe in angels and have developed a stronger belief this year that they are truly here to help us.
♥I have a deep desire to have a large family, but know the reality is I will probably not get that due to my age.
♥I just realized I have a child that can drive in a little over a year? What?!?! Man. I got old pretty fast.
♥On that note, I believe the Lord is putting life on fast forward.
♥I love board/card games and playing them with friends.
♥I love, love, love rainy days. Is it weird that I am happier when there are gentle raindrops falling down than a sunny day?
♥I truly and deeply really care what others feel. While I may not show it or am outspoken, my heart feels for them in a deep way.
♥I am pretty much a dork in person, but can say anything on the Internet. I let my true, sarcastic self out Much more online. Facebook frees me..lol.
♥My hugest pet peeves have to do with noise: Someone talking with their mouth full, smacking lips while eating, tapping pencils during a test, talking during inappropriate times (don't get me started about the girls who wouldn't stop talking in the movie theatre, or the people making out during my daughter's play), It is like i can't turn down the volume in my ears..ha ha..shhh.
♥My daughter and I can talk to each other about anything..I am extremely grateful that she is not only my daughter, but my friend.
♥My favorite season is fall. Even though I have lived in Pleasant Grove for six years now, I still am overwhelmed at the site of the fall colors on the mountains. I tell my daughter everyday, 'look' 'awe' I feel really emotional when I see beauty in nature. I do, however, miss the red rocks and sand of Dixie. Is still have a bottle of the sand dunes dirt that Dixie College gave to us when we graduated that year.
♥I am clumsy - I seriously drop everything, spill when I eat, and even walk into walls. I think I am Superman's sidekick..only in a weird way. Instead of leaping tall building, I walk into walls. :)
♥I like when I can make people laugh. I can find almost ANYthing funny.
♥I still laugh about this event that happened about seven years ago: A sweet, older lady was saying a prayer in church and said, "Bless our farts..I mean hearts." To THIS day, I still cannot stop laughing over it. I feel kinda guilty (cause it is a prayer, ya know), but hearing muffled snickers throughout a quiet meeting makes me giggle like a five year old.
♥If I hear laughing (even in an inappropriate place such as a meeting), I will end up laughing. It makes for some awkward situations.
♥I really did not reach my highest potential in school, until I went back a few years ago for an elementary ed. degree. I thought dating and boys were more important the first time I went to college. It was a self-esteem boost to know how well I could actually do when I applied myself. :)
♥If I could go anywhere, it would be Australia or England.
♥Two of the people I look up to the most are my Grandma Barton (who I believe is one of my angels) and my mom. My mom does not realize how special and strong she is. Through it all, she has taken care of our family and held us together. She is not very comfortable in the spotlight, but I want people to know how awesome she is to me. :D
♥My favorite memory with my mom is doing ceramics. She is very creative, and painted the most amazing things. She also let my friends paint, and I would always give a unicorn or bear ceramic for my friends birthday parties. Also, hanging out with just her when the boys went deer hunting each October. It was good to spend time with just her while the boys had their fun. Good times.
♥My favorite memory with my dad is hanging out at ball fields or football games when he was referee-ing (is that a word??). We would hang out and goof around..and later, I would score keep for the games. I did, however, get really mad when people would yell at him for a bad call (i.e. "Do you need glass Ump?" "Horrible call", etc.). It would really bother me..lol.
♥As a child and teenager, I would never waiver from ordering the same thing. In fact, my friend Remey would always go to Sizzler with me and make fun of me for always ordering the Malibu Chicken. She would proud to know I now go to Panda Express, and order the Orange Chicken..ok, I still order the same thing, but hey..it is a different restaurant.
♥I love my FB friends. They make me laugh and smile each day.
Wow. I could go on and on. Good thing I called this Rushellie's Ramblings. :) I don't keep a journal well, and so it was fun to write some of this stuff down. Thanks for 'listening' ya'all.
Much Love ~ Rushellie
Good Post!! (Are you back dating these, because they don't come up in my sidebar right, and I am missing them :(!! )